Trade shows are a wonderful way to garner opportunity, learn from industry elites, and introduce your product to an audience that has an interest in your industry.
However, creating an exhibit is difficult and time-consuming. So, having an exhibit house partner can be a lifesaver, in terms of the time, money, and stress it would otherwise to take to make everything perfect.
Although, every exhibit house partner is unique, and it will take a little investigation to figure out which partner is best for your brand.
Here are a few tips to help you decide which exhibit House Partner will be a positive influence on your brand.
Full-Service Partners
The inquiry you should make is whether the potential partner offers a full-service system. A few of the full-service options might include the following:
- Pre-Show Storage
- Turnkey Service
- Booth Staffing
- Post-Show Storage
While your brand might not need all these features, the most important is the turnkey service. On the day of the event, all you want to be required to think about is showing up and wowing the audience with your products-and an amazing booth. You don’t want to worry about setting up, breaking down, or having any unrelated stress.
That is the purpose of having an exhibit house partner in the first place.
View Their Credentials
Credentials can mean a laundry-list of achievements, longevity, qualifications, and portfolios.
Obviously, the more experience the company has the better, but be aware of the required qualifications and ensure that their portfolio coincides with the kind of booths that will fit your brand.
So, be conscious of not only what credentials the company provides, but also the enthusiasm with which those credentials are provided.
Every company that has spent significant time in this business has references. The initial meeting is great, but when push comes to shove, all the company can provide is pictures and their word.
The real test is seeing what the references have to say about the company and how amicable they are to work with.
To close, even though it takes some data gathering and perhaps a difficult decision, once your brand chooses the right exhibit house partner, it is sure to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
For more information about the benefit of choosing an Exhibit House Partner, or for a free consultation, contact Dimensional Exhibits today!